Tendonitis in the elbow, more commonly known as tennis elbow, can be an uncomfortable and annoying condition to live with. The best rehabilitation plans include movement, but how are you supposed to keep moving through the pain?
One suitable option is to invest in an elbow sleeve for tennis elbow. The sleeve can provide the proper support to ensure you can move with less pain.
The benefits of using an elbow sleeve for tennis elbow include:
- Supported movement
- Improved circulation
- Increased warmth
So when is a good time to use an elbow sleeve for tennis elbow?
When to Use an Elbow Sleeve for Tennis Elbow
An elbow sleeve for tennis elbow can be utilized in a variety of scenarios.
During exercise.
Continuing your normal exercise routine is an important part of maintaining your overall health. If you don’t want to let tennis elbow slow you down, using an elbow sleeve during exercise could be a great alternative. The compression and support can help ease discomfort and help prevent further injury.
During physical therapy.
If physical therapy is part of your rehabilitation plan, bring the elbow sleeve with you to sessions. This way, the physical therapist can advise you on proper use of the elbow sleeve. Also, you can feel how the rehab exercises feel with and without the elbow. Always follow professional advice on how and when to wear the elbow sleeve if you are currently in a physical therapy program.
Everyday activities.
Tennis elbow does not wait for the tennis court to flare up. You can experience pain from tennis elbow at any point during the day. Try wearing your elbow sleeve for everyday activities like work, walking, housework, etc. You can find some general relief by wearing the tennis elbow throughout the day, even if you aren’t fully exerting yourself.
During rest.